The Edge Of Insanity (Short Story Concept)

Before reading Daisy Jones, I had this idea for a story that followed the ups and downs of this rock band in the 80’s-90’s and the aftermath of one of their members deaths. I really liked the idea and had it at the top of my list for stories I would pursue, but then I read Daisy Jones, and then the show got popular and I figured it would be best to scrap it so it doesn’t look like I stole someone’s idea. But this was a concept chapter I threw together at the time.

Last night, Tyler died.

I didn’t realize Tyler was sick, nor did I realize that he had died a week prior, and the news had just caught word of it. I didn’t realize that he had grandkids, as the news said, or that his husband had died a few years ago too. I realized that I am now the last living member of the band. 

I’m 73 years old, and Tyler was 78, so it’s not like either of us had very long left. But it’s odd to think that we’re the only ones who made it to 70 out of the five of us—made it to 60, even. 50? Oh god, when did Ethan die…I couldn’t tell you. I’m at the point in my life where the days have blurred into nothing. It sounds depressing, and I suppose it is. I don’t recommend being famous young because nothing will ever live up to the thrill of being in one of the biggest rock bands of the 90s. 

My life wasn’t completely valueless out of the band. I got married to the same man I dated throughout my time in the band. I thought I would still be with him by now, but we got divorced after being married for 3 years. I guess marriage wasn’t for me. I didn’t like how restrictive it was. It ruins how you view loved ones. I have one son, Cillian, who moved to Australia when he was 21 and is a vet for wild animals. I don’t get to see him much, but I’m glad he’s happy and didn’t spend his 20s and 30s doing what I did.

When the band broke up, I didn’t really know what to do because drummers don’t really get a second chance like musicians do. You can either find a new band that needs a drummer, or you can start your own and find the singer, guitarist, bassist, etc., but you have to keep in mind when the band broke up, no one wanted me. I don’t know if it was because I was pushing 30 or if it was because no one wanted a female drummer, I don’t know. But jobs were slim.

I played with a variety of bands up until the early 2000s- I never really got to do my own thing again, not that The Edge was my own. It was Levi and Alex’s, but at least Alex let each of us have a voice. I helped her write some of our more famous songs, you know, but I never got any credit for it. I still do guest drumming, but I mostly teach now at Julliard. It’s not too bad. I like to see music through a younger generation’s lens, and it’s cool to see the music of my era still appreciated. It’s cool to see that they still appreciate me.

My manager called me this morning and asked if I had a statement on Tyler’s death. I don’t. But he wanted me to come up with one anyways.

Sinead Murphy on Tyler Wilsons Death-

I am very sad to hear the news of Tyler’s recent passing. While no members of the band frequently stayed in touch after our split, and I have not spoken to Tyler in quite some time, his death has hit very hard. I had very fond memories of my years making music and touring with him, and his talent will be remembered for a lifetime. I am sending love to his family right now.

Out of everyone’s deaths, I never had to write a statement before. When Alex died, Levi wrote the statement because he was the “head” of the band (by choice). When Levi died I told my manager the only statement I’d give is that I’m glad he’s in hell, and when Ethan died, his wife put out a statement because I couldn’t bring myself to do it. So now that this time a death was on my shoulders, it felt…wrong. I spent most of my career riding off the actions of other people. In interviews, I stayed quiet while the important people talked, and in photoshoots, they kept me in the back with Levi and Alex up front. 

Now it was my time to answer questions that I really didn’t know the answers to. My manager told me to expect a few news stations doing features on the band since it’s been just about 50 years since we broke a Grammy record, which still hasn’t been broken, by the way. But I’m not prepared for the questions they’ll ask me. Why did you break up? We never really came out publicly and said why. What happened between Levi and Alex? What happened between you and Alex? Do you think the band had the potential to be still popular today? 

I don’t know. Frankly, I made peace with the fact that my rock days were over, and the people I spent my 20s not only died but also weren’t the people I thought they were. I hadn’t willingly looked at photos of all of us together since Ethan’s funeral, but I think it’s time to open the boxes again and figure out where it all went wrong.

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